Episode #31: What I wish I knew before starting a business

Dorothy McGatlin Coaching
Episode #31: What I wish I knew before starting a business

I wish I knew this before starting my business


Running an online business is embarking on an everchanging environment, where you have to keep up with the trends in messaging and technology to serve best your clients. And just as it sounds, it is a never-ending challenge. 

Luckily for us entrepreneurs, we can have the support of service providers along the journey. But, even with the support of a team and business coaches, we cannot do it all perfectly, or have all the answers. This is why in this podcast episode, I want to share with you the things I have learned the hard way, that I wished I had known before starting my online fitness coaching services four years ago.


How to get great results in your business

In this episode, I share openly with you the top experiences I have had in the last four years as an online fitness coach. Running an online business comes with ups and downs, and I want to share with you this side of my journey, as you may only see the highlights and wins. I want to share the real and uplifting sides of my journey, and how it can help you too in your own journey. 

In this episode:

  • How my business background has helped me make aligned decisions in my business, and thoughts on choosing business coaches to grow a health and fitness coaching business. 

  • The lessons I have learned from making decisions when feeling defeated and how this can help you  

  • The ways you can connect with me to explore your options in your fat loss and weight loss journey with a health and fitness coach who cares about you.


CLICK HERE to download my free 5-step guide to calm and regulate your Nervous System

If you want more support in regulating your Nervous System, send me a DM to be on the waitlist for Uplift - a six-week live mentorship to help you understand and calm your Nervous System.

The Lift Library is a one-stop shop for building a strong body, a strong mindset, and feeling amazing while reaching your weight loss goals. Here I gather the workouts, recipes, and mindfulness practices that are helping my clients get amazing results. 

Ready to feel amazing in your body? Click here to join

Ready to start your journey and hit those weight loss goals in 2024? 

Check Out details about coaching HERE

Or Click here to explore what members are saying about the LiFT Library. 

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