Episode #29: Is clean eating a key to lose weight, or is it making you fat?

Dorothy McGatlin Coaching
Episode #29: Is clean eating a key to lose weight, or is it making you fat?

Is clean eating the solution to weight loss?

As so many professionals in the health and fitness industry can agree, having a "clean" diet can be beneficial for everyone, as it promotes minimizing highly processed foods, artificial ingredients, and excess sugar and salt. But is this really all it takes to lose stubborn fat and live a happily ever after life?

You may already guessed the answer. Clean eating can definitely play a role by providing nutrient-dense foods that are lower in calories and higher in essential nutrients, but it must be part of a holistic approach that includes other pieces that go beyond diet and workouts.


How to balance whole foods with your favorite treats?

In this podcast episode I wanted to share with you all things "clean eating", the role it plays on a diet set for fat loss success, and why you should not beat yourself up if, in your fat loss journey, you include your favorite treats. But this is not all, in this edition, we also talk about the potential risk of eating all the clean foods, and how you can find a balance that feels good for you -and your family- in whatever season of life you find yourself in.
In this episode:

  • The myth of highly processed foods vs. whole "clean" foods in your diet and the role they play in your routine as sources of energy.
  • The three big takeaways I want you to bring with you after this episode, and how they can help you be more kind to yourself while moving forward in your fat loss and fitness journey.
  • How was my journey eating clean food after my first kid, and how did it all change after my second -some life stories that may help you stop beating yourself up if you eat clean all the time.


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