Episode #27: 3 Musts to Body Recomposition (The Unicorn of Weight Loss)

body recomposition losing weight after kids
Dorothy McGatlin Coaching
Episode #27: 3 Musts to Body Recomposition (The Unicorn of Weight Loss)

What is body recomposition?


I'm a firm advocate for body recomposition. I call it the unicorn of the weight loss methods because it is highly underestimated, as it is a weight loss and fat loss method that strives to balance your body fat, bone density, and lean muscle to support your strongest and leanest body!

Sounds great doesn't it?

What I love about this approach -the approach I share with my clients-, is that through strategies -some of which I share in this podcast episode- you can simultaneously decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass. This is with the goals of supporting your metabolism and preventing age-related declines in metabolic rate.

Don't worry, I simply this term and how to start your fat loss journey with this approach in this podcast episode.


3 musts to keep in mind for body recomposition


The goal of body recomposition as a fitness approach to your fat loss goals has lots of benefits! By implementing the three must I share with you in this episode, you can increase muscle mass, improve your overall strength, find more balance, and reduce the risk of falls and injuries as you age.

Body recomposition can be also such a fun approach to consistently improve your quality of life and be the inspiration for your loved ones towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

In this episode you will find:

  • What is body recomposition and what are the benefits of prioritizing this approach in your fat loss and weight loss goals?
  • The three musts you need to keep in mind to start your body recomposition journey and feel strong, healthy, and leaner.
  • What I would recommend you to do if you were one of my paying clients so you can achieve your healthiest body yet! 


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The Lift Library is a one-stop shop for building a strong body, a strong mindset, and feeling amazing while reaching your weight loss goals. Here I gather the workouts, recipes, and mindfulness practices that are helping my clients get amazing results. 

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